An Introduction - 31st of August, 2024
Hello! This is my first ever blog post on my website! Although it isn't totally related to engineering (maybe software engineering?), I feel like starting this off with a bit of an introduction and a background into why and how I made this website.
If you've read my about page, you already know this, but I'll just say it again! My name is Kirsten and I'm a 17 year old girl who likes engineering and has barely any coding experience... I honestly never really imagined myself coding for fun, since my (very very limited) past experiences with coding was through using arduinos, and I found out quite quickly that I wasn't really built for it LOL (no offence to those who love electronics!!! It's super cool but not for me
). + I didn't even know what html was. However, my view on coding changed YESTERDAY when I learnt html to make my website!
About a week ago, I saw a video of somebody who was showing off their neocities website. I visited the link in the video description, and I was absolutely amazed by how cute and creative it was!! I have always had a fondness for the websites found on the early internet. They were so creative and filled with personality. Sometimes I felt a bit of FOMO when thinking about how I missed out on browsing the internet at that time. I really appreciated games such as "Hypnospace Outlaw" that have the charm of the earlier internet (check it out if you love stuff like that too!!). But once I found out about neocities, I realised that in this time, it's still possible to create and customise your own website FROM SCRATCH!?!?
Yesterday was the first time I browsed other websites on neocities. I was still a bit scared of the idea of doing it all on my own but WOW. The amount of talent and expression I've seen in neocities websites really inspired me. And so, I decided to try it. After watching a few YouTube videos, taking the neocities html course and utilising w3schools' tutorials, I was able to finally, actually understand how to code. And before I knew it, I accidently spent the rest of my day working on this website!
Anyways, that is a bit about my newfound coding hobby! I am so excited to keep working on this website and writing more blog posts. If somehow, anyone stumbles upon my silly beginner website, I hope you enjoy reading and navigating around. Hopefully there is more stuff on the website during the time you are reading this because it is a little plain right now hehe. Also I think I'll try to make a blog post at least once a week, but don't hold me to it!
Alright now, thanks for reading!